Saturday, July 30, 2016
Slimming gel hanya di pakai sesudah kita mandi, usapkan pada perut, pinggang, lengan, paha, punggung.
* Reconstructing & Remodeling Cream (orange) : mengaktifkan kembali elastisitas kulit dan memperbaiki kualitas kulit,memperkecil pori-pori sehingga kulit menjadi halus
Friday, July 29, 2016
Slimming gel hanya di pakai sesudah kita mandi, usapkan pada perut, pinggang, lengan, paha, punggung.
* Cyro Active slimming Cream ( Green) : membakar lemak di Paha dan Lengan kita efeknya terasa dingin.
cucinya disarankan menggunakan detergent khusus utk easecox product. supaya tidak merusak bahan yang mengandung serat batu termalin.
more info/ order hubungi 0812 8320 8015
Simming Gels
Reconstruct spinal, balancing shoulder
Mengurangi lingkar pinggang/waistline hinggal 3-6 cm secara instant
Meratakan perut
Build up breast
A. Go away, abdominal fat!
Keep Good Shape- Gymnastic Abdominal Exercises
1. Waist and Leg Twisting: Twist your waist and legs by slowly moving both knees to
the leftand then the right to strengthen the abdominal muscles and relax the lumbar
2. Leg Lifting: Lifting your legs while keeping them close to each other to the
maximum height for toughening thigh and abdominal muscles.
3. Sit-ups: Lay your body stably, lift arms about a shoulder width apart and close and
bend the knees keeping the soles of the feet close to the ground pad with the head
leaning as far forward as possible.
B. Big Butt, Bye-Bye!
Prevent Pelvic Relaxation- Gymnastic Pelvic Exercises
1. Pelvic Floor Exercise: Contracting pelvic muscles and strengthening constrictors, particularly effective for muscle around
vagina, with progressive practice of contacting the gluteal muscles.
2. Pelvic Exercise: Contracting the gluteal and abdominal muscles with hips strongly pressed towards the bed, and relaxing
them while lifting the lower back to form an arch.
3. Leg Lifting: Lay down with your arms relaxed and legs straight, lift one leg to 45 or even 90 degrees, return the leg to the bed,
and repeat with the other leg.
There are no ugly women, only lazy ones. In the course of shaping the lower half of your body, the smart use of various shape wear will help you to work less and get more. EASECOX’s professional shape designers are experienced in determining perfect shape according to individual body proportions, weight, height and age, and identifying the portions to be sculpted into body curves. By wearing suitable EASECOX Diamant shape wear form maintaining, rectifying and shaping products, the amazing effects of body shaping, displacing fat and perfecting the body curves can be attained.
chat for more info, 0812 1829 2544
Slimming gel hanya di pakai sesudah kita mandi, usapkan pada perut, pinggang, lengan, paha, punggung.
* Thermo- Active Slimming Cream ( Red ) :
membakar lemak seputar perut, pinggul, punggung kita, efeknya hangat
Caffein, Cafeisilane C, Arganyl, Ivy extract, Butcher's broom extract, Horse Chesnut extract, Methyl nicotinate, Capsicum extract, Ylang Ylang oil.
The first step in slimming is to use Thermal Slimming Cream to attack and decompose lipids. Thermal Slimming Cream contains stimulating caffeine micro-molecules that control lipid generation and accumulation to reduce the buildup of triglycerides in lipid cells and facilitate slimming.
Apply an appropriate amount (sufficient for 2-3 times of compression-massage) evenly on the skin and massage to achieve best results.
Please avoid use on any varicose areas. If you encounter discomfort, stop using immediately and consult a professional.
Slimming gel hanya di pakai sesudah kita mandi, usapkan pada perut, pinggang, lengan, paha, punggung.
* Draining Slimming Cream ( White) : mengeluarkan toxic dan kandungan air yg berlebihan dari proses tahap pertama, memicu regenerasi serta membangkitkan sirkulasi molekul dan membuang semua kandungan yg tidak bagus dalam tubuh
well, ladies from now on please be more consider about the way you choose your underwear. here we have easecox, providing the best underwear for male and female. wich using high quality materials, tested and high technology wich is apply on the each unit. because human body is unique and every body is different type of body conture.
feel free to chat for more info, well be glad to assist 0812 1829 2544
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Aromatherapy Benefits:
Relieves congestion in the head, chest, and sinuses. Ease cough and sore throat. Relieve muscular aches and pains.
pure ease essential oil Lemon
Plant Parts Extracted:
Aromatherapy Benefits:
Relieves congestion in the head, chest, and sinuses. Ease cough and sore throat. Relieve muscular aches and pains.
pure ease essential oil Lanvender
Plant Parts Extracted:
Aromatherapy Benefits:
Relieves congestion in the head, chest, and sinuses. Ease cough and sore throat. Relieve muscular aches and pains.
more info/ order, contact 0812 1829 2544
plant Parts Extracted Leaves
Aromatherapy Benefits:
Eases bloating. Detoxifies; fights viruses; bacterial infection. Releases tension. Fights colds and flu; relieves sinus congestion; ease cough. Promotes clear thinking.
pure ease essential oil Geranium
Plant Parts Extracted: Leaf/Flower
Aromatherapy Benefits:
Balances hormones; ease pre-menstrual tension and menopausal problems. Relieve painful periods and tender breasts. Balances moods.
pure ease essential oil Ginger
Plant Parts Extracted: Root
Aromatherapy Benefits:
Relieves congestion in the head, chest, and sinuses. Ease cough and sore throat. Relieve muscular aches and pains.
pure ease essential oil Frankincense
Plant Parts Extracted: Resin
Aromatherapy Benefits:
Helps ease anxiety and depression. Relieve respiratory problems such as coughs, asthma, and congestion in the lungs. Relieves restlessness; promote sleep. Strong antioxidant.
for order, or more info contact 0812 1829 2544
Essential oils are highly concentrated and should always be used with care.
- Keep bottles secure, out of reach of children.
- Never take essential oils by mouth.
- Do not apply oils directly to the skin, except tea tree and lavender.
- Keep essential oils away from your eyes.
- Always seek expert advice before using essential oils if you suffer from high/low blood pressure, epilepsy or are pregnant.
- Check with an aromatherapist before using oils on babies or children.
- Never exceed recommended concentrations for home-made aromatherapy blends
How To Use the easecox essential oil?!
Smooth, long massage strokes have been scientifically proven to reduce blood pressure and ease stress. It improves the blood circulation, ease out muscular pains and soothes aches. Massaging in a blend made up of quality carrier oil and a combination of specific essential oils help to nourish your skin.
Deeply relaxing, aromatherapy baths are especially recommended at night to switch off the mind and prepare you for sleep. By adding particular essential oils to the water, you can help to ease problems such as stress or anxiety.
3. Steam Facial
1 - 5 drops on hot water in a pot, cover head with a towel, steam face. Excellent for opening sinuses, headaches, skin treatment.
4. Inhalation (Direct Palm)
An inhalation is highly beneficial if you have flu, a cold sinusitis or hay fever, as it will help to unblock your respiratory passages and ease your breathing. This method of use should only be done with oils that can be safely applied to the skin.
5. Mist Difuser
A difuser releases the aroma of essential oils into a room. You may use one simply to create a pleasant atmosphere or, more specifically, to ease symptoms of respiratory troubles, to aid concentration or to envelop yourself in calm
Plant Parts Extracted: Flower
Aromatherapy Benefits:
Calming and soothing effect on the emotions, helping to relieve stress and depression. Promotes sleep. Effective painkiller for muscular aches and pains, headaches.
pure ease essential oil Cypress
Plant Parts Extracted: Wood/leaf
Aromatherapy Benefits:
Help relieve coughs, asthma and congestion in the lungs. Soothe menstrual and menopausal complaints.
pure ease essential oil Cedarwood
Plant Parts Extracted: Wood
Aromatherapy Benefits:
Detoxifies; releases tension; eases cough; promotes regulr menstruation; relieves symptoms of menopause; boosts memory
pure ease essential oil Clary Sage
Plant Parts Extracted: Flower
Aromatherapy Benefits:
Relieve anger; helps manage stress. Promotes deep breathing. Relieves restlessness; promotes sleep. Balances hormones; relieves menstrual cramps and hot flashes. Promotes hair growth.
more info/ order, contact 0812 1829 2544
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Mau tau KNP easecox sang at nyaman dipakai??
Bahannya yg elastis Dan tidak pan as.
Pola pemotongan Dan menjahitnya mengikuti lekuk tubuh (3d).
Penekanan jahitan kuat/ sedang/ lemah mengikuti teknik fat shifting.
Jadi saat digunakan tubuh seakan di peluk bukan di remas. More info, hubungi 0812-1829-2544
Salah satu teknologi yang diterapkan di easecox corset adalah fat shifting. Disini artinya lemak akan dipindahkan ke bagian tubuh yg perlu di up size.
Seperti payudara Dan bokong. Lemak yg sebaiknya dipindah adalah yang disekitar lengan, perut, paha, belakang ketiak.
Dengan beginI, lekuk tubuh jadi lebih Indah. More info 0812-1829-2544
Wanita sudah Kenal Dan Akrab dengan korset sejak jaman dahulu. Seiring dengan majunya jaman Dan teknologi, korsetpun didesain semakin baik Dan mutakhir.
Tidak hanya mengejar keindahan lekuk tubuh, korset jug a menawarkan manfaat kesehatan. Easecox corset adalah contoh korset dengan dual manfaat.
Dapat reshape your body and improve your health also. Kurang APA coba?
More info about easecox, feel free to chat in 0812-1829-2544
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Hub : 0812 1829 2544
#easecoxcorset #amyliner #scoliosis #backpain#kankerpayudara #slimandshape #diamanteasecox#easecoxgrup #nyeripinggang #nyeritulang #herniaproblem#syarafkejepit #girdleeasecox
Selama konsultasi , desainer tubuh akan berusaha untuk memahami kekhawatiran Kamu dan kemudian menetapkan pengukuran Komprehensif tubuh Kamu untuk menyesuaikan sesuai dengan ukuran terbaik dan garmen rekomendasi. Jadi , setiap pengguna EASECOX DIAMANT mendapat ukuran yg pas disesuaikan secara terbaik yang eksklusif dan pada akhirnya akan membantu mereka untuk Mencapai ukuran body impian mereka
Mau order...... 0812 1829 2544
Bra :
Memperindah dan membesarkan bentuk payudara, menaikan payudara, memcegah kangjer payudara, mencegah payudara, membantu menegakan tulang punggung , membakar lemak punggung.
Membantu masalah pd tulang , masalah scholiosis, gunanya untuk menopang tulang belakang , karena kita ada 7 aloy untuk menyangga tulang , membentuk pinggang, recomended buat yg sakit ponggang terutama setelah melahirkan.
Mengecilkan perut, mengencangkan bokong, mengecilkan pinggul , mengecilkan garis paha secara efektif agar efek pembentukan semakin tinggi.
Mempunyai keistinewaan melalui perancangan pola penjahitan dan pemotongan celana dengan memberi penekanan kuat di daerah perut dan paha dengan menggunakan bahan Tournalin.
Penekanan juga dapat memindahkan lemak di perut dan paha disalurkan ke daerah bokong. Hal ini dapat membuat bokong memjadi lebih indah .
Celana di design dengan menggunakan tekanan khusus sesuai yg di ibginkan pemakai, yakni dengan tekanan kuat, sedang dan lemah
Efek bagi kesehatan tubuh:
Membantu meringankan rasa sakit akibat menstruasi, sakit dan kembubg pada perut.
Kandungan dingin, kandungan turun yg disebabkan oleh banyaknya jumlah kelahiran, melancarkan buang air besar (konstipasi) gerakan saluran pencernaan yg tidak normal.
Dapat di sesuaikan dengan ukuran badan kita sehingga dapt menghasilkan bentuk tubuh menjadi makin maximal hasilnya.
more info/ order hubungi
Whatsapp :
Shapping , langsing, sehat luar dan dalam.
Minat...? Order ke 0812 1829 2544
kemampuan batu termalin ini sangat luar biasa. karena dapat mendetoks racun dalam tubuh, memancarkan gelombang infra merah, melancarkan sirkulasi darah dalam tubuh, dan masih banyak lagi manfaat lainnya.
more info, feel free to chat with 0812 1829 2544
cara mudah untuk dapatkan bentuk tubuh idaman,
hanya dengan rutin menggunakan Easecox corset saja....badan akan ditransformasi jadi super indah.
mau tau?! mari chat langsung di 0812 1829 2544
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Diamant Tourmaline Fiber Series Corset
- contains 7 pieces of memory alloy, improves posture, immediately reduces waistline.
Health effects:
Reconstructs & adjusts spinal column/imbalance shoulders, adjusts bad posture, prevents spinal scoliosis and cures slipped disk.
Slimming effects:
Flattens tummy, trims waistline, enlarges breast & lifts the buttocks.
Diamant Tourmaline Fiber Series Pants
- a unique 16-piece 3D tailoring which raises the hip edges, flattens the abdomen and supports the hips while shaping the thighs to give a slender leg shape.
Health effects:
Relieves menstrual pains, aches, flatulence, constipation, improves overall female reproductive system.
Slimming effects:
Flattens tummy, waist shaping, thigh toning and buttock lifting.
perubahan postur tubuh dapat disebabkan oleh faktor usia
dapat juga oleh kebiasaan yang salah
tulang punggung akan jadi bengkok,
solusi kedokteran adalah dilakukannya operasi, tapi dengan easecox corset,
perbaikan postur tubuh dapat dilakukan dalam waktu sekitar 3-5bulan
dengan hanya rutin menggunakan easecox undergarment saja.
percaya really can help your back problem, dan hebatnya lg tidak perlu operasi, dan tidak ada batasan usia.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Effects: A cooling effect will occur at the applied area, capable of burning fats locally, speeding up fat dissolution and achieving local slim.
Suitable For: Men & Women with locally accumulated fats
Aromatherapy is a comprehensive treatment that harmonizes the body and mind. It has been improving various body conditions such as imbalance in the muscular, skin, digestive, and respiratory systems successfully for a very long time. Similarly, aromatherapy is very effective in managing moods, and could relieve the tension and stress in the modern lifestyle. More and more supplementary healers and other medical workers have switched to aromatherapy to promote balance in the patient's body and mind.