Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Shields the Beauty Utilizing the Energy from the Plants Firm and silky body curvature.
Chat for detail, 0812-1829-2544
Diamant Gemstone Bust Enhancer
Body Slimming, Breast Augmentation, Preventing Breast Cancer, Aligning Spinal Cord

Health Effects: Prevent Breast Cancer & Breast Lump, Reconstruct & Reshape Bust

Slimming Effects: Breast Firming, Enhance the Bust Line, Fats Reduction on Upper arm and Back

Chat for more details, 0812-1829-2544
Diamant Gemstone Waist Sculptor
Align Spinal Column: 7 pieces of memory alloy, immediately reduces waistline by 3-6cm, Adjust bad posture, prevent spinal scoliosis, Slim Waist, Breast Augmentation, Firm Buttocks

Health Effects : Realign Spine, Balancing Shoulder

Slimming Effects: Flatten abdomen, Smaller the Waist, Breast Augmentation

More info, 0812-1829-2544
#EaseAroma #ILOVEEASECOX #easecox #korset#corset #bodyshaper

Dalam hitungan hari sudah nampak hasil dari pemakaian easecox. 
Perut buncit jd kempis, lekuk pinggang lebih nampak, payudara juga naik. So.... Amazing!
Chat for more info, 0812-1829-2544

Thursday, September 8, 2016

selain utk membentuk tubuh agar lebih ideal,
easecox juga disrankan digunakan oleh penderita skoliosis.
korset, dan bra nya akan membantu memperbaikimasalah tulang belakang.
bahannya yang ringan dan nyaman, jauh lebih leluasa digunakan setiap hari.
tanpa rasa pengap/ berat/ begah.

tulang belakang yg miring akan dikembalikan pada posisinya yang benar, tanpa perlu operasi.
chat yuk, 0812 1829 2544
cuma 3 bulan sudah keluhatan perubahan nya.
easecox benar2 hebat.
reshape your body now.

ayo...yang mau tubuhnya di reshape dengan easecox, bisa chat untuk lebih detailnya.
0812 1829 2544
makin deawas usia, wajar kalau tubuh mengalami perubahan.
kendur/ kerutan/ payudara/ bokong turun

mari lawan semua itu dengan menggunakan easecox.
dapatkan kembali bentuk tubuh ideal, berapapun usia anda.
payudara dan bokong penuh serta naik,
bebas gelambir.
perut yang singset.

cuma pake easecox saja. chat yuk.
0812 1829 2544
komentar pertama saat belum kenal easecox...
ah masa' sih bisa ?!
gimana bisa?! itu kan cuma pakaian dalam.

wajar lah ya...kan sejak dulu kita semua pakai pakaian dalam,
tapi tubuh nggak mengalami perubahan signifikan.

kenapa easecox beda?
karena, serat bahan nya mengandung batu termalin...yang dapat memancarkan gelombang infra merah.
karena, pola pemotongan nya 3D
dan penekanan jahitan nya tidak sama rata, agar teknologi fat shifting bisa terjadi.
masih banyak lagi keunggulan dari produk easecox.

mari chat utk tau lebih banyak, 0812 1829 2544
berapapun usia anda.
easecox akan tetap bekerja maksimal dalam membantu membentuk tubuh agar lebih ideal.
hasilnya benar2 nyata, perubahan secara bertahap dapat dilihat dan dirasakan.

mau merampingkan tubuh/ memperbaiki postur/ membentuk lekuk agar tampak lebih indah.
easecox aja, chat for more info 0812 1829 2544
rubah penampilan dengan cara rutin menggunaka easecox sebagai pakaian dalam.
kandungan serat batu termalinnya akan membantu proses reshaping dan fat shifting.

tubuh akan jadi lebih ramping, indah lekuknya, dan posturnya diperbaiki.
belum lagi manfaat kesehatan yang juga ikut meningkat.
chat for more info 0812 1829 2544

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Produced from the extracts of natural plants (up to 95% pure). The Ease Slim product products offer a well-toned and supple skin.

The first step in slimming is to use Thermal Slimming Cream to attack and decompose lipids. Thermal Slimming Cream contains stimulating caffeine micro-molecules that control lipid generation and accumulation to reduce the buildup of triglycerides in lipid cells and facilitate slimming.

Caffein, Cafeisilane C, Arganyl, Ivy extract, Butcher's broom extract, Horse Chesnut extract, Methyl nicotinate, Capsicum extract, Ylang Ylang oil.

A heating effect will occur at the applied area, capable of dispelling moisture and post-metabolic waste, thus speeding up weight loss and slims one down.

Suitable For:
Men & Women with dropsy-type puffiness.

Apply an appropriate amount (sufficient for 2-3 times of compression-massage) evenly on the skin and massage to achieve best results. CAUTION: Please avoid use on any varicose areas. If you encounter discomfort, stop using immediately and consult a professional. 
Third step of the slimming process, the skin tightening cream aids in readjusting loose skin (caused by slimming) via a tightening process, thus achieving a supple and elastic skin.

Through the incorporation of hydrolyzed elastic and hydrolyzed collagen, the Ease Slim products will improve skin elasticity and tone, for a firmer, shapely body. With the Ease-Slim Series, you can build up the balanced wholesome body profile you have always desired in your dreams.

Caffein, Cafeisilane C, Arganyl, Ivy extract, Butcher's broom extract, Horse Chesnut extract, Hydrolyzed collagen, Hydrolyzed elastin.
Prevent loosening of the skin after fat dissolution. Particularly effective for tightening the skin and preventing sagging.
Suitable For:
People entering Phase 3 of slim body local fat reduction. For Men & Women who wish to improve on loose sagging skin.

Apply an appropriate amount (sufficient for 2-3 times of compression-massage) evenly on the skin and massage to achieve best results. 

Second step of the slimming process, after reducing and disintegrating the body fats, the skin slimming cream helps to drain and remove toxic materials and excess water in your body. 

Cafferine, butcher's broom and horse chestnut stimulate circulation and help eliminate the buildup of harmful toxins, a necessary step in the reduction of mass and cellulite, for an improved body profile. Natural herbal ingredients help soften the epidermis, while lactic acids preserve the optimal moisture level of the skin, for a restructured and velvety-soft body texture. 

Caffein, Cafeisilane C, Arganyl, Ivy extract, Butcher's broom extract, Horse Chesnut extract, Lemon oil.
The use of the Draining Slimming Cream is Phase 2 of the skin beautifying regulation. The main function is to clear the toxins and excessive moisture produced in Phase 1 care and to stimulate cellular metabolism and promote micromolecular circulation for quicker fat dissolution. 

Suitable For: 
People who have use the Thermo-Active Slimming Cream Or Cyro-Active Slimming Gel, as an auxiliary product for results enhancement & Macromastic men& Women

Apply an appropriate amount (sufficient for 2-3 times of compression-massage) evenly on the skin and massage to achieve best results. 

Please avoid use on any varicose areas. If you encounter discomfort, stop using immediately and consult a professional.

First step of the slimming process, the cool slimming cream effectively and rapidly disintegrate body fats, and stimulates caffeine-like molecules to suppress weight gain and visceral fat accumulation by reducing the accumulation of triacylglycerides (CH2COOR-CHCOOR'-CH2-COOR") found in fatty acids, thus achieving an effective slimming process

Caffein, Cafeisilane C, Arganyl, Ivy extract, Algae extract, Menthol.

A cooling effect will occur at the applied area, capable of burning fats locally, speeding up fat dissolution and achieving local slim.

Suitable For:
 Men & Women with locally accumulated fats

Apply an appropriate amount (sufficient for 2-3 times of compression-massage) evenly on the skin and massage to achieve best results. 

Tired of those jiggly, flabby arm?
Put on your Diamant Meryl Arm Shaper and say good bye to arm flab! 

EASECOX Arm shaper will be able to firm up and tone your flabby upper arms and help you transform them into toned and slim upper arms.  It was created by the dedicated designers of the Easecox Group. Made of Meryl Micro Fibre, a fibre material that is trendy and popular in both Europe and Japan, It is distinguished by its elasticity, snugness, air-permeability and skin-friendly features. 

The benefits you will get from wearing EASECOX Arm shaper are:- 

  • Firm up and tone flabby upper arms
  • Slims down upper arms
  • Relieve backache
  • Correct and improve posture
more info 0812 1829 2544
While pursuing the perfect figure, enjoy a fresh and nimble feeling and embrace a confident new life!
Tourmaline Bra
Efek Kesehatan : Mencegah Kanker Payudara, Benjolan Payudara
Efek Pelangsingan : Pembesaran Payudara, Mengencangkan & Membentuk Kembali
Tourmaline Girdle
Efek Kesehatan : Merekonstruksi & Menyesuaikan Tulang Punggung, bahu
Efek Pelangsingan : Meratakan Perut, Pembentukan Pinggang, Pembesaran
Payudara, Mengangkat Bokong
Tourmaline Pants 
Efek Kesehatan : Mengurangi rasa sakit & nyeri pada saat menstruasi,
perut kembung, sembelit, meningkatkan sistem produksi
wanita secara keseluruhan
Efek Pelangsingan : Mengangkat Bokong, Pengencangan Paha, Meratakan
Perut, Pembentukan Pinggang
Meryl Arm Shaper
Efek Kesehatan : Mencegah & Mengurangi Bungkuk
Efek Pelangsingan : Mengencangkan Lengan, Mengurangi Lemak Punggung,
Mengangkat Payudara
Call Desainer Kecantikan utk konsultasi dan FREE TRIAL : 0812 1829 2544

easecox bekerja saat dikenakan.
membentuk tubuh agar lebih ramping dan berlekuk indah.
memindahkan lemak bandel yang menimbun di perut.

buktikan sendiri yuk, hubungi 0812 1829 2544
Tourmaline DIAMANT
Perusahaan Easecox yg mempunyai Hak Paten
batu tourmaline dari riset dan pengembangan yg inovatif dengan menggunakan teknologi terkini dari Jepang dan terbuat dari serat tourmaline yg eksklusif yang dapat dilekatkan di serat-serat kain tersebut
Bahan premium dan proses tenunan yg profesional.
inilah dari Hak paten pertama yaitu adanya Batu Tourmaline dalam serat kain tersebut dan Hak paten yg kedua yaitu terbuat dari US DUPONT company dimana serat kain tersebut mempunyai 90 batang katun. sehingga pada saat anda memakainya ada energi natural yg meningkatkan kesehatan anda dan nyaman dan tidak panas,dimana produk diamant ini melahirkan bentuk tubuh sempurna untuk setiap individu dan mewujudkan lekukan yg cantik sebagai bentuk kepercayaan diri
Pelayanan dari Desainer Kecantikan
Anda akan dilayani oleh Desainer yg mengenai lekuk tubuh yg disertifikasi
oleh perusahaan EASECOX International yang akan menawarkan nasihat profesional untuk pengguna Diamant dalam memilih ukuran yg benar dan cara pemakaian untuk menciptakan bentuk tubuh individual yg sempurna.
Call Desainer Kecantikan utk konsultasi dan FREE TRIAL :
0812 1829 2544