Wednesday, October 26, 2016

easecox can...!
contact 0812-1829-2544
i will show you how.
be surprise of the result that easecox can give you
curved body
and most of all, loose extra fat

more info, 0812-1829-2544
testimoni dari pengguna easecox, yang berhasil turunkan 9kg dalam 6bln
dengan bisa tetap aktif dan sehat
serta mendapatkan bentuk tubuh yg indah

hubungi 0812-1829-2544
Lost 5.5kg within 6 weeks!
( No Exercise, No Meal Supplements, No Surgery, No Slimming Pills )

want to know how?
contact 0812-1829-2544
Initiate body functions with super Conductive Metallic Ion Series. A cutting edge technology from Japan is pushing human health a big step forward.

more info, 0878-8422-3944
Be sexy & healthy no exercise! Just wear Easecox

more info, 0812-1829-2544
Sebagai Bra Kesehatan dan kecantikan, tentunya Product Amylinear memiliki Fungsi sebagai berikut :
Fungsi bagi Kesehatan tubuh :
Mencegah kanker payudara, mencegah pembengkakan payudara, meningkatkan pertumbuhan payudara, merawat serta menjaga bentuk payudara secara lebih baik.
Fungsi bagi Pelangsingan tubuh :
Perbaikan dan pembentukan payudara, pengencangan dan pembesaran payudara(khusus bagi wanita yg memiliki bentuk payudara yang kurang proposional)

easecox, info/ order 0812-1829-2544
Product-product kesehatan Amylinear di rancang khusus oleh seorang profesor Dr. Sugihara Thosio dari Jepang, yang mengerti benar ilmu tentang argonomi bentuk tubuh manusia. Fitur dari bra easecox ini terdapat maksud dan kegunaannya.
Berikut penjelasan tentang bagian-bagiannya :
1. Bentuk tali yang lebar, berfungsi untuk menarik tulang pundak agar punggung tegap dan tidak bongkok, serta nyaman dalam penggunaannya.
2. Bahan dengan tekanan yang kuat terdapat di bagian belakang bra(punggung), fungsinya untuk memindahkan lemak di bagian punggung ke bagian payudara.
3. Bagian bawah ketiak di buat dengan tekanan sedang untuk mentransfer lemak dari punggung ke payudara.
4. Bagian depan atau dibawah payudara dibuat untuk menjaga/menopang payudara agar tidak turun.
5. Cup bra di buat dengan bahan katun renda dengan sirkulasi udara yang baik, memberi ruang pada payudara agar bernafas tanpa adanya beban dari busa dan tekanan dari kawat. Dan design pada cup bra di buat senyaman mungkin sehingga bisa dilihat pada gambar bahwa bagian cup pada bra bisa membungkus atau mengcover payudara kita dengan baik dan rapi.

info mengenai easecox, hubungi 0812-1829-2544

Tired of feeling fat ? Want to regain healt,beauty and confidence? 
EASECOX can help u 

contact, 0812-1829-2544

Monday, October 24, 2016

Our super conductive silver/copper ions have amazing health benefits. It is the substitute for our gym, spa and medicines. It is our alternative for massage, acupuncture, pain reliever and exercise. When using it 24/7, as if you are doing your massage and exercise for the whole day too. It is comfortable, safe, and convenient.

chat for more details about easecox superconductive  ion products.
contact, 0812-1829-2544
A young mother related to me that she was barren for almost seven (7) years after she gave birth to her first child.
The young mother had actually a problem on her fertility and irregular menstruation that she took medicines prescribed by her doctor. This is to enhance her fertility and to have a regular menstruation. Through taking her medications, she became pregnant and bore her first child(daughter).
After her first child, she seldom had her regular menstruation. That for seven (7) years, she never became pregnant.
She was introduced to this DIAMANT Tourmaline fiber garments. She started using it last June 2015 and used it regularly or on a day to day use. She regained her regular menstruation after months of using it. Today, June 26,2016, after a year of using the garments, she is now three(3) months pregnant. She did not take any pills or medicines but only through wearing of these garments infused with tourmaline gemstone. The tourmaline healed her irregular menstruation.
She is now very happy. Through the healing power of the tourmaline gemstone infused in the garments, every healing came very natural.
She now shares this testimony to everyone.
Visit us at our office for one on one consultation regarding the products. What was presented is just one of the many healing powers done by using the garments. 

info, 0812-1829-2544
I attended this Show with around 300+ participants. It was all about Pure Essential Oils. A segment of the event is the Question and Answer portion. Fortunately enough, the guests for the Q and A portion were true professionals. One is a lady doctor and the other is a textile engineer. Both experienced STRESS on their field of work. The lady doctor suffered constant headache when waking up in the morning and also migraine.The textile engineer had allergies all over his body because of his exposure to chemicals when still working in the factory. When asked whether they used essential oils, they both said no. And to relieve their pain and discomfort, they took several medicines prescribed by their respective doctors. Unfortunately, nothing happened to them (headache for the doctor and allergy of the engineer). When somebody from Easecox introduced to them the pure essentials oils, at first they hesitated because they do not believe. However, when insisted by their Easecox friends, they virtually succumbed to use the pure essential oils and regularly applied on their whole body.
The lady doctor said the headache she had for several months were gone while the engineer said his allergies all over his body were also gone. AMAZING RESULTS!!!
Because of these results, the lady doctor also used the DIAMANT TOURMALINE INFUSED garments to heal her backpain and sciatica. While the engineer's wife who had been diagnosed for endometrial cancer recovered fully when she also used the DIAMANT.


more info bout easecox product/ bisniss, 
contact 0812-1829-2544
Many nice stories were told especially by women when they used the Easecox garments- the wireless bra, the corset, the girdle , the arm shaper. These garments are tourmaline infused garments. The health benefits that resulted to these women after wearing it for a few weeks to one month such as back pain, dissolved breast cysts, reduced myoma, recovery from hormonal imbalance, regained strength and energy, etc removed their many doubts on how such garments cure their illnesses.
Not only health benefits but also physical appearance were experienced by these women such as waist reduction, breast enhancement, buttocks upliftment, flat abdomen.
When you go out of shape, do not lose confidence and be the rest of your life. There is a way to recover your curves and be healthy.

Come and join us, in SHAPE, in BEAUTY, in BUSINESS.!!!

contact, vien 0812-1829-2544
To mothers who want to reshape their body, do it with precision, no patch up, no repeated repairs, no worked on anew over and over again whenever mistakes are committed. We have materials to naturally regain your shape- the DIAMANT tourmaline infused garments. 

every body can be reshape, and curved beautyfully.
use easecox, and let it work for your body.

info, 0812-1829-2544
This is another story about the amazing power of Pure essential oils.

A client of Easecox who works as helper got mild stroke on Feb 13, 2016. Her face numbed and feet paralyzed. She could not make any steps. She was confined and the processes to make her recover was immediately done to her. (5x ECG, dextrose, oxygen). The next day, the Doctor monitored no sign of sickness. And on the third day, her Lady Boss delivered the pure essential oils blended with jojoba oil. When she had another ECG, no findings of illness resulted. So, she was released from the hospital. Using the blended oil (circulatory system), she massage it all over her body. She did this massage ritual 3x a day for a week. After a week, SHE WAS AMAZED THAT SHE IS BACK TO NORMAL. She can run, can climb the stairs up and down, etc. She continued using the blended essential oil even after her full recovery.

more info about easecox essential oil, contact 0812-1829-2544

Thursday, October 20, 2016

A lot of men want to reduce their flaby belly because it effect to their health like hypertension, diabetes, back pain and more. We have Easecox Platino to heal you. Just wear it 24/7.

more info/ consult, 0812-1829-2544

once told there were A 40 yr old woman has been suffering from scoliosis for ten yrs. Because of this problem, she experienced difficulty in breathing. Her spine is unaligned/crooked. She could not do many acts. Could not stand long, sit long, travel long, and could not carry heavy things. These limitations caused her to resign from her job. She went on therapy 3x a week for an expense rising to half a million.
The Diamant garments infused with tourmaline gemstone was introduced to her. By using it regularly 24/7, she felt no pain at her back. It even changed her body figure. Her body waist size reduced from 34 to 30. She was AMAZED by her results. I share coz i care.

easecox diamant will automatically work when it contact with the skin an so on.
and easecox diamant, will  effect the maximum health reaction not depend on ages.

more info/ consult, 0812-1829-2544
There were real clients regained their health by regularly using the Diamant tourmaline infused garments. One fears of having a breast cancer. Her 21 breast cysts dissolved. The other lady speedily recovered after her operation. She was diagnosed stage3 endometrial cancer. Both are now happy of their health. Thanks to this amazing garments.

more info/ consult, 0812-1829-2544
Maintain your optimum health naturally through the use pure/medicinal grade essential oils.
Easecox Essential oil can also be use for healing.
below is one of testimony from our client, wich is using essential oil for the skin problem.
info/ consult/ order, 0812-1829-2544
The easecox diamant undergarments may shown discolored due to the detoxification of the woman wearing it. This is an amazing power of the garments infused with tourmaline. Your body is undergoing detoxification while wearing it 24/7. Try it. We prove it. Making you slim is a bonus.
info/ consult,  0812-1829-2544

Easecox presents you, These Pure Essentials oils are first grade essential oils which have therapeutic characteristics. It is used as an alternative medicine substitute for drugs.

more info/ order 0812-1829-2544

Try the Easecox pure essentials manufactured in Germany . It relieves you of your stress and improves your whole body systems.

info/ order, 0812-1829-2544

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Pakaian Diamant Easecox dengan kandungan batu tourmaline yg ditanam diserat benang, bekerja melancarkan sirkulasi darah, mendetox racun dalam tubuh, realokasi lemak dan merupakan cetakan yg membentuk tubuh indah secara permanent dan alami.
Coba, rasakan dan buktikan setelah memakai pakaian dalam diamant Easecox, tubuh menjadi lebih sehat, energik, wajahpun menjadi segar, halus dan berseri. Nyaman dipakai sepanjang hari, saat cuaca dingin menjadi hangat, saat cuaca panas terasa sejuk.
Sangat dianjurkan untuk orang dengan :
1. Pencegahan kanker payudara
2. Kelainan tulang skoliosis, Lordosis ,skifosis
3. Myom, kista , nyeri haid , haid tidak lancar , keputihan dan masalah reproduksi wanita lainnya.
4. Masalah pencernaan,maag, ambeyen/ wasir,BAB tidak lancar.
5. Badan terlalu kurus
5. Badan terlalu gemuk
6. Badan kendor / bergelambir lemak

info, 0812 1829 2544
Easecox Diamant, adalah undergarment yang dapat membantu membentuk tubuh jadi lebih indah juga lebih sehat.
hanya dengan rutin mengenakannya. serat batu termalin nya akan langsung bekerja saat bersentuhan dengan tubuh.
mendetoks racun, membakar lemak, melancarkan sirkulasi darah, memperbaiki postur tubuh, dan masih banyak lagi.

bahkan saat anda sibuk bekerja, berjalan, bahkan saat anda tidur pun...eascox akan tetap terus bekerja membentuk tubuh indah.
nggak percaya ?
coba dan buktikan sendiri. hubungi 0812 1829 2544

Easecox undergarments not only correct and improve your posture and prevent scoliosis, but because it is made imbued with tourmaline it helps cleanse the liver and kidneys, align the spinal chord, reduce lactic acids and fatty acids from your body, it aids in the elimination of heavy metals, poisons and carcinogenic materials from your body, removes cellulites from your body, in creases your metabolism, prevents backaches and calms your mood.

INFO, 0812 1829 2544

Tourmaline is a semi-precious gemstone. According to science Tourmaline produces an electric charge. Upon contact with the skin tourmaline has the ability to emit negative ions and far infrared rays that can infiltrate the human body, including bone, muscles and tissues. This penetration results in the stimulation and detoxification of body and mind.
Scientific research also concludes that negative ions are vital in determining a person’s mood disorders, working as anti-depressants without the negative side effects of medicines. This is because these ions encourage regeneration of the blood and oxygenation of the brain.
Far infrared rays are powerful allies when the body needs detoxification. This is beneficial not only for people who want to lose weight but for cancer patients as well. As negative ions act as safe anti-depressants, they are vital for people who suffer from depression and those with bipolar disorders.
MORE INFO, 0812 1829 2544

Amylinear diamant terdiri dari: Bra, Gridle, pants
terdapat batu turmaline( batu semi mulia) yang dapat melancarkan peredaran darah, mendetox racun, melangsingkan dan membentuk tubuk menjadi sempurna

yuk, bikin tubuh jadi lebih indah dan sehat.
dengan menggunakan easecox saja.
chat for details, 0812 1829 2544

This is a very special waist supporter from Easecox, amylinear diamant.
It help to support your spine and reduce the spine from further bend.

chat for more info/ details, 0812 1829 2544

Saturday, October 1, 2016

tidak jarang seorang atlit wanita memiliki tubuh yg lebih bidang dibandingkan wanita pada umumnya.
itu disebabkan dari proses pembentukan dari pelatihan fisik yg rutin.
tak jarang, mereka jadi kurang percaya diri,
dengan easecox, bentuk tubuh masih selalu dapat diperbaiki
agar lebih indah, lebih ideal, dan lebih menarik

yuk mulai pakai easecox sekarang, 0812 1829 2544
ini adalah sebagian dari para wanita yg berhasil membentuk tubuhnya dengan easecox corset.
awalnya tubuh mereka sudah mengalami perjalanan panjang menjadi seorang ibu, berubah, bergelambir, serta tidak padat dan ramping lagi
lihatlah betapa indahnya lekuk tubuh mereka sekarang.
hasil maksimal tanpa operasi,
tanpa sedot lemak

mau tahu?! chat langsung di 0812 1829 2544
ini juga jadi rahasia tubuh indah para selebrita loh.
nggak heran kan, tubuh mereka bisa aduhai selalu
ya...karena rutin menggunakan easecox lah.
yuk chat untuk tau lebih mengenai easecox, hubungi 0812 1829 2544

Siapa saja yang disarankan menggunakan Easecox Diamant Gemstone Undergarment Series?

1. Anda yang ingin menurunkan berat badan, atau membentuk tubuh agar lebih menarik.

2. Anda yang memiliki masalah pada tulang belakang. sakit, skoliosis, atau dislokasi tulang.

3. Anda yang mengalami sakit pada saat datang bulan.

4. Anda yang baru saja melahirkan.

5. Anda yang ingin meminimalis resiko kanker payudara

6. Anda yang memiliki masalah pada perut.
Ease Slim Series
Simming Gels

Easecox Ease Slim Series membantu membakar lemak dalam tubuh, membentuk tubuh, dan mengencangkan tubuh agar tidak turun.
Slimming gel hanya di pakai sesudah kita mandi, usapkan pada perut, pinggang, lengan, paha, punggung.
Easecox Ease Slim Series terdiri dari 4 macam :
* Cyro Active slimming Cream ( Green) : membakar lemak di Paha dan Lengan kita efeknya terasa dingin.
* Thermo- Active Slimming Cream ( Red ) : membakar lemak seputar perut, pinggul, punggung kita, efeknya hangat
* Draining Slimming Cream ( White) : mengeluarkan toxic dan kandungan air yg berlebihan dari proses tahap pertama, memicu regenerasi serta membangkitkan sirkulasi molekul dan membuang semua kandungan yg tidak bagus dalam tubuh kita
* Reconstructing & Remodeling Cream (orange) : mengaktifkan kembali elastisitas kulit dan memperbaiki kualitas kulit,memperkecil pori-pori sehingga kulit menjadi halus

more info/ order, 0812 1829 2544

Easecox Gemstone Girdle
Pada serat bahan dipintal batu tourmaline micro. Serat yang digunakan adalah serat USA Dupont dilapis Serat Elastis Fined Cotton. Paten gen serat dikeluarkan dari Jepang.
Memiliki 7 memory alloy align spinal column sebagai penyangga
Health effects:
Reconstruct spinal, balancing shoulder
Slimming effects:
Mengurangi lingkar pinggang/waistline hinggal 3-6 cm secara instant
Meratakan perut
Build up breast

Seorang designer akan datang secara personal untuk mengukur dan merekomendasikan size dan model yang paling sesuai untuk tiap pribadi.
hubungi, 0812 1829 2544

paska melahirkan secara cesar, perut seringkali sedikit bermasalah untuk dapat kembali ke bentuk semula
dengan easecox corset, insya allah bisa.
dapat digunakan sebagai ganti corset yg biasa digunakan saat masa nifas (paska melahirkan)
guna mengembalikan bentuk perut ke asal
mari chat untuk tau lebih mengenai easecox
contact, 0812 1829 2544
Diamant Gemstone Pants 
Effects: mengangkat bokong, mengencangkan bokong dan paha, membentuk pinggang, membentuk perut rata (tone up thighs, lift up buttocks, flatten tummy, shape up waist)

chat for more info, 0812 1829 2544