Tuesday, November 29, 2016

punya masalah maag...?
easecox aroma orange dapat jadi pilihan terbaik.
info / order, 0812-1829-2544
untuk sistem saraf dan imune, easecox aroma lavender solusinya.
anda punya masalah kesehatan?!
chat untuk temuka aroma yang tepat yuk,
hubungi 0812-1829-2544
saat sistem pencernaan sedikit bermasalah, hindari penggunaan obat kimia.
beralih pakai easecox aroma grapefruit aja.

info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
easecox aroma ginger, bantu memulihkan sistem muskuloskeletal (kondisi yang mengganggu fungsi sendi, ligamen, otot, saraf dan tendon, serta tulang belakang.

more info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
easecox aroma lemon, dapat membantu memulihkan sistem pencernaan dan sistem sirkulasi yang terganggu,
more info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
easecox aroma dari essence bunga,
info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
easecox aroma dari essence pohon besar,
info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
easecox aroma dari buah-buahan,
info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
Begitu banyak manfaat yang dapat dirasakan dari easecox aroma.
setiap jenis aroma dapat membantu memulihkan sistem tubuh yang terganggu.
more info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
jadi aromatherapy terbaik berasal dari 100% bahan alami.
Easecox aroma, menggunakan bahan alami yg diekstrak dengan cara distilasi, agar essence alami tsb tidak rusak dan khasiatnya pun tidak berubah.

order easecox aroma, hubungi 0812-1829-2544

Sunday, November 27, 2016

dalam 3 bulan saja sudah kelihatan nyata loh hasilnya.
no diet, no gym, and no slimming pills.
want to know how?
contact 0812-1829-2544
easecox juga membantu menurunkan berat badan berlebih loh.
lebih ramping dengan diet nyaman bersama easecox.

info, chat me 0812-1829-2544
testimoni dari user easecox, yang menggunakan corset setelah melahirkan.
sangat mengaggumkan hasilnya...
nggak akan adayang percaya deh kalau bilang beliau baru saja punya baby.

info, 0812-1829-2544
ini lah realita yg dihadapi para wanita paska melahirkan.
perut yang sudah kacau balau bentuknya.
dengan easecox, perut akan dikembalikan kebentuk semula,
padat kencang serta indah,
mau tahu bagaimana caranya....
chat me, 0812-1829-2544
easecox corset membantu membentuk tubuh jadi lebih ideal,
lebih sehat, serta lebih ramping.
hanya dengan menggunakannya sebagai pakaian dalam sehari hari.
maka kandungan serat batu termalinnya akan bekerja, mulai dari fat shifting, sampai detoks racun.

tubuh indah dan sehat, bisa dengan easecox
berapapun usia anda, easecox akan tetap bekerja saat menyentuh kulit
meningkatkan kesehatan, membentuk tubuh jadi lebih indah serta ramping.

feel free to chat for more info, 0812-1829-2544
easecox corset itu bagai cetakan untuk tubuh.
dengan rutin mengenakannya...tubuh akan dibentuk agar lebih indah lekuknya.
dan bersiaplah terkejut akan hasilnya

info, chat me 0812-1829-2544
testimoni user easecox,
mendapatkan kembali bentuk tubuh yg indah setelah melahirkan terkadang sebuah PR
yang sulit bagi sebagian wanita.
easecox dapat membantu mewujudkannya.

chat yuk untuk tahu caranya, 0812-1829-2544
Notice the yellowish stain in the middle of the bra. 
the user have a serious gastric problem.
after wearing the full set  bra girdle and corset together and amazingly in half an hour the pain slowly just stopped. 

more info, contact 0812-1829-2544

Monday, November 21, 2016

Yang punya masalah dengan linpatik dan magh, ketika memakai braDiamant Easecox , ini yg terjadi pda bra nya .detox yg terjadi ketika memakai produk secara rutin dan teratur akan menempel odbraEasecox.
Tidak semua org yg mengalami hal spt ini. Tergantung penyakit yg ada di tubuh si pemakai.
Minat ..? Order segera demi kesehatan kamu ke 0812 1829 2544
Easecox bra, no wire. No foam. Tapi bisa berdiri begini, kok bisa ya??
Tentu bisa, karena produk easecox menerapkan pola pemotongan Dan menjahit 3D. So....akan mengikuti lekuk tubuh sehingga saat digunakan akan terasa nyaman Dan easecox bekerja seperti memeluk tubuh. Bukan di press atau di ikat kuat2 seperti lepet.
ITU salah satu yang membedakan easecox dengan corset lainnya.
Chat for more info +6281218292544
easecox bra bisa juga loh di buat jadi lebih modis
dengan ditambahkan beberapa bling2,
tapi dengan tidak mengurangi khasiatnya terhadap tubuh.
tampil gaya dan sehat dengan easecox
info. 0812-1829-2544
Ini dia manfaat dari Easecox Bra,
untuk memperindah dan memperbesar bentuk payudara, menaikan payudara,
mencegah kanker payudara,
membantu menegakkan tulang punggung, dan
membakar lemak punggung.
hubungi 0812 1829 2544 for more info,
Ladies, yuk tekan resiko kanker payudara sejak sekarang. Mulai perhatikan kesehatan payudaramu, gunakan bra yg tepat.
Jangan sampai menjadi korban dari pakaian dalam yg kalian kenakan.
Pilih yang nyaman, tidak berkawat ataupun spons, agar kulit dapat leluasa bernafas.
Bra easecox, dirancang tanpa kawat maupun spons. Menggunakan pola penotongan 3d, dan penekanan jahitan yg berbeda. Agar teknology fat shifting nya dapat berfungsi.
Chat aja utk info lebih detail, hubungi 0812-1829-2544
Easecox fight against breast cancer. Yuk, cegah kanker payudara. Ladies... Lebih perhatikan pakaian dalam kamu. Jangan sampai salah pilih dan jadi korban.
Karena salah satu sebab kanker payudara adalah penggunaan bra yang salah. Menyebabkan payudara tidak pada posisi nyaman dan tidak dapat bernafas.
Chat for more info, 0812-1829-2544
Easecox bra, dapat membantu membentuk payudara agar lebih ideal, padat dan tidak kendur. Bra tanpa kawat dan tanpa spon membuatnya nyaman dipakai. Selain itu juga meminimalis resiko kanker payudara loh. 
Ladies, ayo perhatikan kesehatan tubuh. Terutama pakaian dalam yang dikenakan, jangan sampai anda jadi korban

info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
Amylinear Easecox Diamant, pakaian dalam pelangsing dari jepang mengandung batu Tourmaline (batu semi mulia ) yang dapat membentuk, melangsingkan badan, melancarkan peredaran darah, memperlancar menstruasi ,menghangatkan uterus(kandungan) terdapat infrared alami yg di patenkan hanya di korset amylinear ini . Pakaian dalam ini dibagi menjadi 3 bagian yaitu: bra, gridle, dan pants.
More info, 0812-1829-2544
Easecox bra dengan segala manfaatnya. Tanpa kawat dan spons. Demi meminimalisir resiko kanker payudara.
Dengan bahan ygnyaman, tdk pengap dan tidak begah. 
Mampu membentuk payudara agar naik dan penuh, serta menarik punggung agar tdk bongkok.
#ILOVEEASECOX #easecox #bra #corset 
Manfaat dari easecox bra.
Dengan desain nya yg elegan, tanpa kawat dan tanpa spons. Menggunakan bahan yg nyaman dan elastis, membuatnya tidak pengap dan tidak begah saat digunakan.
Pola pemotongan dan penekanan jahitan 3D, membuatnya menjunjung teknologi fat shifting saat dikenakan.
Batapa hebatnya produk easecox. More info/ order hubungi 0812-1829-2544

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Purence Cleansing Oil
Made in Germany

This multi-purpose cleansing oil penetrates deep into pores to cleanse and dissolve impurities while moisturizing your skin, leaving it luxuriously scented with a blend of pleasant smells.

All in One
removes make-up and impurities, cleanses, protects, hydrates and scents the skin all at the same time.

100% natural plant extracts
made entirely from natural plant extracts and contains no mineral oil, so the product can be easily rinsed off without clogging your pores.

Extraordinary emulsifying effects
emulsifies within seconds once mixed with water to rapidly lift make-up and impurities without leaving buildup.

Essential oils protect and tone skin
every bottle contains pure essential oil that allows you to enjoy Spa-like sensations every time you clean your face.

Follow the steps for best results
1. Make sure that your hands and face are dry.
2. Squeeze a moderate amount (about 2-3 pumps) of cleansing oil onto your palm.
3. Apply the cleansing oil to dry face and massage gently over the entire face with your fingertips to dissolve all make-up and impurities.
4. Apply water to your face with your fingertips and massage continuously to emulsify the cleansing oil.
5. Rinse off with water once the cleansing oil is completely emulsified.

info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
Moisturizing Body Lotion Moisturizing Body oxide

Capacity: 290 ml

- top after using double Rose Essential Oil (Bulgaria Rose & Provence Rose)
- special add bolivia uric acid, a lift of functional Pilates
- Natural Plant Extract
- Facial Lotion Hierarchy of body lotion

- dissemination of elegant charming rose - the clock, let your self-confidence cheerful
- to be able to nourish skin, moisturizing and improve skin water such as the phenomenon of aging
- to keep your skin, make skin smooth and meticulous

more info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
Moisturizing Shower Gel

Capacity: 290 ml

- top after using double Rose Essential Oil (Bulgaria Rose & Provence Rose)
- Natural Plant Extract

- to be able to effectively clean the skin deep in the dirt and grease
- Foam Rich Fine, extreme moderation, don't hurt your skin
Post-Bath, body feels refreshing, wouldn't lube up.
- faint scent of the rose flavor, let the shower after you feel right as rain.

info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
Nourishing Shampoo Nourishing Shampoo

Capacity: 290 ml

- top after using double Rose Essential Oil (Bulgaria Rose & Provence Rose)
- Natural Plant Extract

- to be able to effectively hair deep cleaning of dirt and grease
- Foam Rich Fine, extreme moderation, don't hurt hair quality
- to be able to nourish the roots, healthier scalp
- to be able to prevent hair fall out, so that more healthy beautiful hair

info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
Nourish Conditioner Nourishing Hair Conditioner

Capacity: 200 ml

- top after using double Rose Essential Oil (Bulgaria Rose & Provence Rose)
- Exclusive Formula Microcrystalline wax
- Natural Plant Extract

- to be able to effectively nourishes hair, forming a protective
- can moisturizing, nourishing and repairs dry, damaged hair.
- to be able to prevent hair fall out, so that more healthy beautiful hair
- to be able to prevent hair bleaching, repairs injured hair quality
- to be able to promote hair cell regeneration, let the hair healthy luster

info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
Moisturizing Kit Cream Moisturizing Facial Cleansing Foam

Capacity: 140 ml

- top after using double Rose Essential Oil (Bulgaria Rose & Provence Rose)
- special added enzymes with moisturizing function
- Natural Plant Extract

- jie yan later, face feeling fresh, won't lube up.
- to be able to effectively deep cleaning facial dirt and grease
- to be able to balance pí zhī secreted, Moisturizing Coco, a protective membrane
Anti-Sensitive, sedative, anti-inflammatory and repairs facial skin
- any skin apply

info/ order, 0812-1829-2544

thanks to Easecox,
no more diet needed, no more fasting, no  slimming pills,

more info, contact 0812-1829-2544

She has a crooked spine due to her second pregnancy. She suffer great pain and has sleepless nights. She has to depend on pain killer and she had to visit the doctor weekly for the injections. After wearing the girdle for 6 months, it has aligned her spine from 30 degrees to 15 degrees and she no longer need pain killers since then.
Thank you Easecox Gemstone Griddle!
do you have similar health problem?
please contact 0812-1829-2544 for consult

Friday, November 11, 2016

Amylinear Corset
Diamant - bahan 100% cotton, mengandung batu Turmaline yang sangat baik untuk melancarkan peredaran darah, mendetox, melancarkan BAB, melancarkan Menstruasi, Melangsingkan dan membentuk tubuh , mengandung Ion Negative, anti kanker payudara.
100% made in Japan

info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
Testimonial after wearing easecox products .Amylinear Easecox Diamant korset , korset pelangsing dari jepang mengandung batu turmaline (batu semi mulia ) yang dapat membentuk, melangsingkan badan, melancarkan peredaran darah, terdapat infrared alami yg di patenkan hanya di korset amylinear ini . Korset ini dibagi menjadi 3 bagian yaitu bra , gridle, pants yg di sesuaikan dengan ukuran badan kita sehingga dapat menghasilkan bentuk tubuh menjadi sempurna 

chat for more info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
Must try this new slimming gel by Easecox. Slimming gel terdasyat untuk membakar lemak2 serta mengencangkan kulit yg kendur. Easecox mengeluarkan slimming gel versi 3 yang terdiri dari Body Multi effect Serum Dan Body Reshaping Cream By Easecox 
This series powered. By our all new Bio - engineered deep skin conduction technology, multiple bio-intelligent deep sea and herbal rejuvenating essences penetrate the dermis rapid, effective absorption. Your skin will feel dramatically toned, revitalized, hydrated and supple, with visibly tightened and accentuated body contours.

info/ order, 0812-1829-2544

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Easecox short pants
Merampingkan paha
Membentuk area bokong
Mengempiskan perut
Membentuk pinggang
Amyliner EASECOX Diamant korset, korset pelangsing dari jepang mengandung batu Tournaline (baru semi mulia) yg dapat membentuk, melangsingkan badan, melancarkan peredaran darah, memperlancar menstruasi, menghangatkan uterus (kandungan ) terdapat infrared alami yg dipatenkan hanya di korset amyliner ini. 

Membantu masalah pd tulang , masalah scholiosis, gunanya untuk menopang tulang belakang , karena kita ada 7 aloy untuk menyangga tulang , membentuk pinggang, recomended buat yg sakit ponggang terutama setelah melahirkan.
info/ order, 0812-1829-2544

Manfaat dari easecox bra.
Dengan desain nya yg elegan, tanpa kawat dan tanpa spons. Menggunakan bahan yg nyaman dan elastis, membuatnya tidak pengap dan tidak begah saat digunakan.
Pola pemotongan dan penekanan jahitan 3D, membuatnya menjunjung teknologi fat shifting saat dikenakan.
Batapa hebatnya produk easecox. More info/ order hubungi 0812-1829-2544

Sunday, November 6, 2016

With the growing age, apart from having to worry about the female face began to wrinkles, sun spots and skin problems, even the chest can stop it. Gravity start drooping, makes the original shape of cookie dough. Strong start, deformed, ultimately become loose " drooping Papaya Milk ", I'm sure many women for this emotional to fairly disturbing.
Chest is by rich fat, saggy caused by many reasons, ageing and smoking is the leading cause of skin drooping of the main reasons that, in addition, overweight or excessive chest can increase drooping.
if you are looking for the corset, wich can make breasts firm. pm me..


Costumer right hand got infected! It was so red and it was swelling with some pus on it. For 7days, applying an ointment. Healing was so slow. But when applied the LAVENDER PURE ESSENTIAL OIL OF EASECOX, on the 3rd day, it was totally dry! And guess what, it's also starting to peel off.

more info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
easecox bra, diciptakan tanpa kawat maupun busa.
dengan tujuan untuk meminimalisir resiko kanker payudara.
dengan teknology fat shifting, dapat membentuk area payudara agar naik dan padat.

more info, 0812-1829-2544
Pleasant odors of trees and soils gently release, turning stale air fresh. Just a deep breath brings the feeling of a morning walk in the forest and soothes you itchy throat.
Suitable for those with:
cold,cough,nasal congestion,sore throat,bronchitis,chest tightness,thyroid diseases.

more info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
Diamant Tourmaline Fiber Series
What is Tourmaline Gemstone?
-It is a semi-precious mineral stone well known for its incredible ability to aid in the detoxification process of the human body. This colorful gemstone has a highly stabilizing effect on our nerves, due to its capacity to generate its own heat. This ability to self-produce an electrical change makes it one of the only minerals that can emit far infrared heat, as well as negative ions.

Why is it good for weight loss?
Far infrared rays help you loose extra pounds by breaking down trapped fat waste,cellulite and other forms of toxic substances which results in faster metabolism.

The effects of wearing Diamant:
• Detoxification
• Reduces water retention
• Improves blood circulation
• Relief severe constipation
• Helps cleanse the liver and kidneys
• Helps heal skin disorders
• Reduction in emotional maladies such as anxiety and depression
• Relief from acute and chronic illnesses
• Aids in elimination of heavy metals, poisons, and carcinogenic material from our bodies
• Reduces lactic acids and free fatty acids

more info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
Cramp free after wearing Super Conductive Metallic Ions Calf Supporter!
Suitable for people with:
-Tight calf muscles,cramp easily
-Tendon injury / tendon pain
-Lower leg varicose veins

Now, you too can say goodbye to painful leg cramps that wakes you up from your much needed sleep at night and wake up with a fresh pair of legs!

more info/ order, 0812-1829-2544
Restores youthful pink colour to your nipples with Easecox Breast Pad
Lightens Darkened Nipples - naturally safe & gradually fades darkened nipples to restore their pinkish beauty. Breast pad do not get rid of discoloured or darkened nipples immediately but with continuous use, nipples colour will be lightened gradually. The extent of improvement varies between individual and depends on the severity of the condition.
Suitable for:
Those with darkened or discoloured nipples
Those who wish to restore the natural colour of nipples

more info/ order, 0812-1829-2544